• Google Inc.

    Mountain View
    Street Address
    1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
    Number of Employees
    Contact Name
    Larry Page
    Twitter ID
    Zip Code
    CEO and Director

    I purchased @ $900 of products on the google store. Had issues with 2 and got RMA to return for repair of replacement. I learned the products are not new but refurbished. Their only response is refurbished is as good as new. That is pretty lame and why not tell you when purchasing. Also usually refurbished items are reduced price but I paid full price. I have 7 different support numbers and over 350 minutes on the phone. I have been promised call back on Monday from Lorna, Tuesday from Ken and Wednesday from Mark. No one called. I got another promise of a call back today from Airene. Who thinks she will call. Stay away from the google store. I have screenshots of all of this

    4 years, 6 weeks and 18 hours

    Give me please the name of the CEO of Google Inc.

    4 years, 17 weeks and 1 day