• Family Dollar Stores, Inc.

    Street Address
    10401 Monroe Rd.
    Number of Employees
    Contact Name
    Howard Levine
    Zip Code
    Chairman and CEO

    Hi my name is tasheba johnson i been trying to get a job at one of your store locates on south Pearl st albany ny . everytime I went to talk to store manager she computer is broke and she can't pull my application. Off computer and she told me take she to hire more people

    4 years, 16 weeks and 1 day

    My name is Al Jackson. I just visited store#08062 at 6765 Dunn Ave, Jacksonville, Florida 10/27/2020 Today at approximately 2:00pm to purchase some shaving razor. When I walked in the african american male employee 1 (I am black as well) was cursing in a very audible tone to another employee 2. One of the the things I heard employee 1 say to employee 2 was "I am sick of this **** and do not expect me to be clocking you out all the time" (That suggest a type of fraud being committed against Family Dollar) but let me continue. After looking in the soap, lotion area for razors I asked employee 1 where I could find the razors he said "on the other side" in a very curt tone. Unsure what that meant I walked to the backside of the isle. After I did not see the razors I informed employee 1 I was unsure where he is referencing the razors were at. Employee 1 then unloads on me, yelling and to my shock told me if I couldnt figure out what he meant that I could just leave. I located what I needed, purchased them then exited the store. I was taking a call from my wife when employee 1 then came outside and yelled across the parking lot "you can call whoever you want, cursed and walked back in the store. This employee was beyond unprofessional and rude and menacing. I strongly encourage you to watch the tape of my encounter with this employee. I would find it shocking that you would approve of that conduct. It was beyond the pale.

    4 years, 16 weeks and 2 days

    I have been trying to reach someone that gives a dam. This is ridiculous I can't reach anyone. This is pertaining yo your store in maidison Maine. I was a frequent shopper there for a few years. This store is beyond 9ut 9f control! Your employees don't wear their masks, the store is filthy dirty. The front doors have not been wiped down in at least a year. The manager just complains yo her customers that she can't keep any help and thats why store is NEVER STOCKED! She closes store 10 minutes early a lot of time. Yesterday I was in there and your employee at register had his mask on his chin, coughing into his hands, then he reached out and grabbed my phone, my husband brought this to his attention. Employee called husband a liar. He should not be at work sick! Clean up this store or you will loose many patrons.

    4 years, 16 weeks and 2 days