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    He needs to be impeached

    3 years, 14 weeks and 1 day

    Nancy Pelosi and her twisted storm troopers have set the tone for the next four years by trying to impeach the President a second time. It didn't work then and it won't work now. What are the grounds for impeachment? There are none. This is a tactical move by the sickly Democrats to try to prevent Trump from running in 2024, the left fears this man and everything he stands for, most of all they want to silence the 75 million people who support him. The Biden administration is going to wish they never stops the election from President Trump!!! Biden won't last a year in the Whitehouse, then what? Kamala the witch Harris becomes President? Lmao, yeah, that will go over real good won't it? Authoritarian regimes that's what the left is creating, tyranny will not be tolerated in our country and the Democrats are going to find this out the hard way. Good luck Mr Biden!!!!

    3 years, 14 weeks and 1 day

    Thank you for sharing your well written thoughts, everything you touched on is absolutely correct. Unfortunately I don't believe our country will ever be the same again. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer had called for a peaceful transition of power and shortly after the President announced the transition of power would be peaceful, Pelosi and Schumer ran to the corrupt liberal media outlets to call for President Trump to be removed from office immediately. Either by impeachment, ( articles are currently being written ) or by using the 25th amendment. That's real peaceful isn't it? After everything these sick, demented, Democrats have done to our President, they still have so much hate within them they cannot control themselves from trying to ruin Donald Trump with only 2 weeks left in his term, they want to make sure he cannot return in 2024, they are scared to death of Trump. As long as these corrupt Democrat leaders are in our government, there will never be any healing. I'm disgusted as are millions of Americans because we love our country and don't want to see if destroyed by a bunch of ignorant, power hungry dictators who could care less about our country or its people. You watch and see what's going to happen, those promises they made to the fools who voted for them will never be fulfilled. What will happen is they will do whatever is necessary to ensure the Democratic party will remain in power for decades and the government will have total control over the 327 million Americans in our country plus the 25 million illegal immigrants. The cowardly Republican party is a disgrace and the ones who turned their backs on the President must be ousted. They too only care about themselves, if they would have filed lawsuits before the election to stop voting by mail and the other illegal actions against our constitution, things would be different now. Face it, our country is full of corruption and not even the President could stop it. The country most of us know and love so much will never be the same again. The corrupt politicians, big tech companies, billionaires, the media, Hollywood, sports figures, huge corporations and yes, other countries, are responsible for what's happening in America right now. Democrats are making sure the voice and the power of the American people will no longer matter or make a difference in how our country is ran. What's sad is, we let it happen. Joe Biden had a few hundred people show up the 4 or 5 times he spoke at venues. President Trump had thousands upon thousands of people turn out for over 20 rallies and we're supposed to believe that Joe Biden won the election fair and square? Lmao, I don't think so. We need to call our state representatives and demand that there be official investigations into the 2020 election. You would think the Democratic party would welcome this if they truly believe they won the election? Nope, they are fighting it in the courts. What do they have to hide? Pray for our country....

    3 years, 14 weeks and 4 days

    The actions that took place in our nations Capitol yesterday is absolutely, beyond question, disgusting. They were, and are, as disgusting as riots that took place throughout our great nation over the past several months. The past several months, including yesterday, have resulted in lives being taken, businesses destroyed, vandalism justified, accountability not pursued, law enforcement disrespected, our history, and most importantly our Constitution disrespected, along with the self-proclaimed superior media talking heads being completely useless (journalism no longer exists), celebrity types lecturing, with the sport community rudely failing to honor our flag and national anthem. On top of all this chaos are our leaders (I use the term loosely) in an act of childish behavior tear up the State of the Union Speech on national TV for all the world to see, leaders (again using the term loosely) who continually lock down their state economies, destroying a means of financial survival for many, as well as our President being less than forceful in his condemnation of yesterday's actions. Sadly, our President followed the path of those in the political world, on both sides of the aisle, who did not strongly condemn the riots of the past several months. Yes, as I see it, there is plenty of "blame" to go around. Do not make the mistake of thinking others alone caused these embarrassing situations to occur. We all contributed. What are we, as citizens, going do to contribute to the healing process before us? Are we going to be tolerant of those who disagree with us? Are we going to continue following the political "puff" presented during election campaigns? Are we going to take time for research before voting? Are we going to continue to accept the incompetence of media and press? We are citizens of a country many throughout the world consider to be the light at the end of a dark tunnel. It is unfortunate, but our past actions, along with the incoming administration, do not seem to offer progress other than giant leaps into socialism. I sincerely hope we change our ways before government completely takes over our daily lives - even more so than they already have.

    3 years, 14 weeks and 4 days

    What happened on Capitol Hill today was wrong, it shouldn't have happened. As it is now, we don't know who this small group of idiots are. It could very well be ANTIFA who did it wanting Americans to think it's Trump supporters. Remember a few months ago when Biden's thugs were terrorizing our country, where was the media then? Where was Joe Biden? Where were the Democrats? Cnn's Chris Cuomo said where does it say protesters must be peaceful. Several courthouses were fire bombed. Cities burned, businesses looted, people were killed. The message is clear, if Democrats are doing it it's perfectly acceptable, but if the right engages in violent protests, OMG, call the national guard out. The double standards that the Democrats and the liberal media outlets have set forth are tearing America apart. The American people have reached their breaking and I don't blame them. The Democratic party didn't abide by the Constitution in this Presidential election, several States didn't follow their own Constitution when they allowed these voting changes to happen. The changes made to our voting system were unconstitutional and something must be done about it. Democrats are going to change America into their own Socialist utopia and I hope they do it fast, this will shock the American people and backfire on them. You would think most people would be concerned with the radical policies the Democrats have in store for America? Unfortunately most people are uneducated when it comes to politics, sold they're concerned about is the free things the lying Democrats have promised them, they don't have a clue about how these things are going to devalue the American dollar either. There's millions of Americans who feel like the politicians have failed them ( which they have ) and now it's up to them to defend themselves and their families from what the Democrats have in store for them. America will forever be changed by these sick Democrats and I want no part of it.

    3 years, 14 weeks and 4 days

    Joe Biden is a clown, his words are written by his stooges, he's a halfwitt that can't come up with a complete sentence on his own. That right Mr Biden, enough is enough. The American people have had enough of the Democrats bull$%&#. They stole this election and think they will get away with it. What happened today at capitol hill is just a taste of what's to come if nothing is done about the election fraud that took place on November 3rd 2020. It's okay for the hoodlums in BLM to destroy cities and the Democrats said nothing. Biden is going to have a very hard 4 years ahead of him. The American people have had it. Joe Biden is not the legitimate President of the United States of America and he will be reminded of that everyday for his entire term. Let these insane Democrats try taking our guns, or forcing socialism on our great country. They will come to regret it.

    3 years, 14 weeks and 5 days

    Well it seems that Georgia is full of uneducated, ignorant, people, who have no understanding of how sick and dangerous the Democratic party has become. Socialism was on the ticket in Georgia, if it can win there, it can win anywhere. Shame on those ignorant people in Georgia who voted for these clowns in Georgia. American better get ready for some very difficult times ahead, these nuts are going to try to change this country into something that will ultimately destroy it. We have the the Republican party to thank for everything that will happen in the next 4 years. Be prepared to be shocked at the insane things Democrats are going to do to America!!! Too bad some Americans are stupid, they have to learn the hard way.........

    3 years, 14 weeks and 5 days

    After seeing the answers to questions asked of the Georgia Senate, it's clear that the Democrats have substantial influence in their government. The Governor in Georgia is clearly afraid of his own government. There's actual video evidence of fraud and he still refused to act. Six states are involved in election fraud and if the American people stand by and do nothing, we will lose our freedom to socialism. I refuse to believe that the majority of Americans would rather have a DIMWITTED PRESIDENT, than one who works his butt off for our country and it's people. The introduction of voting by mail in the United States was the only way the Democrats could win the election. Looks like they pulled it off too? The Republican party let them do it, they're cowards, plain and simple, only thinking of themselves, that's typical for Republicans. I hate to say it but whatever happens from here on out, the American people deserve. Putting our country's future in the hands of Georgia concerns me, the state is ran by corrupt politicians who cannot be trusted. If these Democrats win in Georgia tonight? Say goodbye to your freedom, socialism will be introduced and that will be the end of the United States of America. Nobody in their right mind would want socialism in the USA, especially when we have living proof it doesn't work. That's how naive some Americans are, they actually believe they can make it work in our country. As it is now, Americans are leaving those blue states that have gone absolutely insane, wanna know what happens next? Americans start leaving our country. That's a sad thought isn't it? I never thought this would happen here in America. Think of all the sacrifices our ancestors made, the lives that were lost so we could have our freedom. It's a crying shame! God bless America.

    3 years, 14 weeks and 6 days

    Although there are many who badly need financial help, President Trump is correct in refusing to sign the recent over bloated, so-called COVID 19 relief bill given to him by Congress. There is no question Congress spends too much money - one would think they believe it is their money to spend and not ours - however, they certainly do not have a problem supporting the rest of the world rather than Americans. Let's think about this 5,593 page bill for a minute. Millions of dollars to Cambodia, Nepal, Burma, Ukraine, Sudan, millions of dollars to assist Pakistan in their gender programs (you have got to be kidding), monies to the Kennedy Center (they received funds in the previous COVID bill) and the Smithsonian - all pet projects of someone in Congress evidently far too attached to Lobbyist and all which have absolutely nothing to do with COVID 19 relief for Americans suffering and struggling not only due to the pandemic in general, but due to lockdowns imposed by self-righteous political figures. Obviously, the ability to think or use common sense are not prerequisites to be in Congress.

    3 years, 16 weeks and 1 day

    Thank you, enjoyed reading your post. I'm so frustrated, how can do many Americans just accept the fact that the Democrats actually used extremely cynical methods to promote their vote by mail scheme. I guess most don't really understand how the Democrats managed to accomplish their task. Those 600 lawyers Biden had working for his campaign are mostly responsible for organizing the whole thing. Why would anyone need 600 attorneys? What were they doing for the Biden campaign? Using attorneys was very smart, they cannot be forced to disclose any information due to the attorney, client privileges. Democrats think they're smarter than everyone else, we must prove them wrong!
    There's so much that the American people don't know, we must find out the truth. Again, I thank you for your comments and wisdom. Let's all hope that 2021 brings answers to many concerns and unanswered questions? The American people deserve better than these corrupt Democrats. They feared President Trump, they wanted him gone at any cost, we all know that's a fact. Who knows what they've done? I wouldn't be surprised at all If the CIA were involved, we already know the FBI was.
    If we let this go and accept Biden as our President under these extremely questionable circumstances, it's a possibility we may never have another Republican President for a very long time.

    3 years, 16 weeks and 1 day

    Good post. Not only does it appear Biden's intentions are to continue the failed policies of Obama, but those who voted for him seem to have either forgotten those bleak 8 years or chose, this year, to vote personalities versus policies. Biden's lack of any accomplishments whatsoever in over 47 years in Washington as a member of Congress, including 8 years as Obama's VP, along with Harris's complete absence of any experience other than as a lawyer have the ingredients for a rocky road ahead. To solidify the possibility of the swamp's return to America Last tenets, combined with "free" beliefs of socialism, are Biden's choice of various cabinet members. On top of all sits the non-existence of professional journalism and biased social media. These are all thoughts to ponder.

    3 years, 16 weeks and 2 days

    I'm glad to see others speaking up on this forum, it seems Mr Biden is trying to duplicate the failed Obama administration policies. What is with these idiots? Can't they come up with original policies of their own? Is it an ego thing where each one thinks they can make these failed policies work?
    Millions of Americans are out of work and Mr Biden plans on destroying everything President Trump accomplished with immigration and other areas. Why would a new President come in and NOT do what is working for our country? I still refuse to believe that Joe Biden beat President Trump. I will never call him President, if he manages to reside in the Whitehouse? I will only consider him an occupant. The Democratic party used a horrible situation to steal an election. You can't get any lower than that. I find it very strange how this virus was used to the Democrats advantage, this may sound crazy but could the Chinese and the Democratic party have worked together somehow to use the coronavirus as a weapon to get rid of President Trump for the Democrats and in return help China's economy come back? Think about it, the Democrats always blame Russia for everything, never China. They actually look up to China. I wouldn't put it past these insane Democrats, they are willing to do anything for Power. I really am concerned about our country. Mr Biden is definitely compromised by the Chinese as is the entire Democratic party!

    3 years, 16 weeks and 2 days

    According to the Labor Department, 803,000 Americans filed first-time jobless claims last week. Biden just announced his pledge for "free tuition-free community college for all". He also states he will reverse President Trumps immigration policies. If people are in lockdown, can't work, many businesses never return, borders opened for all (who will enter the workplace, as well as strain our medical services, etc.) who is going to foot the bills? Maybe those who voted for Biden/Harris?? Another Obama bleak administration ahead!!

    3 years, 16 weeks and 2 days

    Don't overlook the fact that Nancy and Chuck have failed to act on a stimulus package since July due to political bias. They have been selfish and nasty putting their personal hatred for our President before the people they are supposed to represent and who pay them to do a job. There is absolutely no question that help is needed by many. With that said, while the Democrats insist upon keeping wasteful spending in this bloated bill which have absolutely nothing to do with COVID relief, example: $10 million dollars to Pakistan for gender programs, the Republicans are correct in not permitting this 5,583 page disgrace to pass. It is a perfect example of a swamp filled dysfunctional Congress. The solution, in this case, is not difficult to figure out. Send President Trump a clean bill, as he requested, with the $2000 payments and increase in unemployment - after all it is our money, not Nancy Pelosi's.

    3 years, 16 weeks and 3 days

    Wow, I guess the GOP would rather give billions to third world countries, than take care of their own people? Kevin McCarthy is a blooming idiot, I never liked the guy. He has something in his eyes that says he can never be trusted. If the Republican party gets the House back in two years, there's no way he should be the speaker. Believe it or not even Nancy Pelosi wants the $2000 payment for Americans. Trump will never sign a bill that's loaded with the Democrats BS. So where do we go now?
    If the GOP would have put that much effort into fighting back against the stupid mail in ballot scheme, we wouldn't be talking about Joe Biden right now. Screw the Republican party, I'm glad I'm not one of them, this move they pulled, blocking the $2,000 stimulus will cost them dearly. Registered Republicans should go online and change their party affiliation, it only takes a few minutes. Say bye, bye, to them and become an independent. As far as I'm concerned, if Biden becomes President, it's the Republican party's fault for not defending the President that fought so hard for them! They are two faced politicians who cannot be trusted anymore. To hell with them.

    3 years, 16 weeks and 3 days

    Good for President Trump, he vetoed the ridiculous 5,539 page bill these idiots in Congress passed. Shame on them, we need to take care of the United States of America and it's people first. Then we can think about other countries! Have you seen some of the stupid things in the bill? OMG, I almost fell on the floor when I saw some of that ****. Unbelievable, whoever tried putting that garbage in the bill should be kicked out of the United States. $10 million for gender research in Pakistan? Lizards on treadmills? You have to be joking? Money for the Smithsonian institution, the Kennedy center? These places aren't even open.The bill should be amended, but the battle axe Nancy Pelosi wants to try to stop the veto! If that doesn't prove how nuts the Democrats are, nothing will. God help us all.

    3 years, 16 weeks and 5 days

    Nancy Pelosi called the $600 stimulus money for Americans "Significant" She called President Trump's tax cuts "Bread Crumbs".... What a disgrace she is to our country!

    3 years, 16 weeks and 5 days

    OMG, what kind of sick demented person would even think about flooding our country with thousands of illegal immigrants? Joe Biden. What kind of twisted person would be talking to the President of Mexico about opening our border when over 50 million Americans are out of work? Joe Biden. This man plans on undoing, stopping, or changing, everything President Trump accomplished with immigration. We as a country cannot allow that to happen. We must do whatever is necessary to stop it from happening. Here's one reason why the Democrats always fail, they place people in leadership positions that are extremely inexperienced, or unqualified just to satisfy the "Woke Movement" and the flaming radicals within their party. Never before has our country had to deal with a Democratic party this insane. These people and their policies make Obama look like a saint. I refuse to believe that the American people have gone so far left, that they would actually want these dangerous people in power. I'm not buying it. There is something seriously wrong here, there can't be that many people who hate America that much. No way!

    3 years, 16 weeks and 5 days

    To Anonymous
    Your post detailing some of President Trumps accomplishments........
    Thank you. Good comments of which I completely agree. How dare President Trump put America First. We now can have a sigh of relief and move backward with Biden/Harris at the helm!! Merry Christmas.

    3 years, 16 weeks and 6 days

    Reply to anonymous,
    Mess everything up is right, just look at the ingrates Biden is appointing. They can try to take credit for warp speed, it will be a failure, as will anything the Biden administration will try to do. Democrats are ignorant, dangerous people. President Trump had to undo what Obama/Biden did to take our country to the top, which he did in record time. Joe Biden with his army of darkness will resort back to the same things that would have destroyed America if it weren't for the election of President Trump. Jeepers, why would anyone want to stop the flow of illegal aliens into our country, or build a wall? Creating jobs was absolutely ridiculous, we didn't need that. Cutting ridiculous, economy killing taxes, that was dumb. How dare he move the embassy in Israel, there was only 3 or 4 other Presidents that said they would and didn't. Our military didn't need $900 billion to get what they needed, they could have used bows, arrows and slingshots and rode horses. Our Navy could have used sailboats with cannons. We had no reason to surpass Russia and Saudi Arabia in the production of crude oil, we don't mind paying $8.00 a gallon for gas. Space Force? Ha, ha, what a joke, China would never tamper with our satellites or try to dominate space. Can you believe the nerve of that President Trump dude? What was he thinking by putting America first? I'm sure Joe and Kamala will fix everything in our country with the help of people like Petey Buttigieg, Maxine Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, Cuomo will make a fine Attorney General. I'm positive Janet Yellin and John Kerry will do wonders? Face it, Joe is going to need a strong cabinet to tell him what to do, right? The Democrats denied President Trump of a cabinet, he didn't need one. LMAO..... If the Democrats steal the Georgia election? The United States of America is finished under the dictatorship of Harris/Biden? At least we will know what state to hold the next civil war in if Georgia doesn't hold the line.....

    3 years, 16 weeks and 6 days

    Operation Warp Speed has successfully resulted in not 1, but 2 COVID19 vaccines with a 3rd one in the wings. Observe the Democrats mess everything up once they are officially in their new jobs. When it all does start falling apart, watch them blame, then former President Trump, rather than their own ineptitude. With the help of Pelosi, Schumer and even further left-wing "nuts" we can be assured Ezekiel Emanuel will return his socialist medical theories to our country (remember ObamaCare?). On the other hand, if progress is made in the vaccine arena, wait and listen to these same Democrats try to take credit for any part of Warp Speed they think they will be able to get away with. Why does it seem there is a progressive atrophy of brain cells when many enter politics - especially Congress? Just saying!

    3 years, 16 weeks and 6 days

    How in the hell did AOC get the vaccine? She's 36 years old and not in the high risk category. After all the BS this little floozy has said about the vaccine, there she is on TV getting a shot that should have gone to someone who's considered essential. These hypocritical Democrat politicians make me sick.
    This Warnock bozo is saying Republicans who supported President Trump must repent, lol. Trump supporters are now being compared to rats according to the Washington Post cartoons. We are headed for some very difficult times in this country. Democrats are so stupid they don't understand that it's not just Republicans who support Trump, there's millions of Democrats and Independents who support him. Think back at everything President Trump has done for our country, if you think Joe Biden and the Democratic party are going to accomplish anything close to what Trump has done, you're insane. I heard today the AG Bill Barr said the government has no grounds to confiscate voting machines, is he for real??? The simple fact that Biden somehow received 15 million more votes than Obama should be grounds to impound the machines. What's going on with Barr? Blowing off 75 million people is unacceptable. Lastly, all this talk about the coronavirus, why are we not hearing a word about China being held accountable???? It's looking more like China will succeed at bringing America down without firing a shot. They almost did it with this virus, what's next???

    3 years, 17 weeks and 2 hours

    Well it looks like the cowardly Republicans have failed to stop crooked Pelosi and the wack job Schumer from using American taxpayers money to bail out the failed blue states. I'm so **** angry about this and every American citizen should be too. Why are there no red States needing money??? Because they don't let stupid people spend money on stupid things and they have competent people running their government. I could care less about NY or California, look how these idiots treat conservatives. These blue states don't deserve one penny of our tax money, they pay for things for illegal immigrants but they need my money? That's BS and Americans should be protesting this BS, not protesting for nonsense. Our freaking country is doomed. To bad the only man who could run our country properly had the election stolen from him by idiots who will destroy America. We deserve to fail for letting this happen, shame on everyone!!!! The elites will have everything and the rest of us will suffer great pain. These people can't even follow their own rules, better get used to it America because that's how it's going to be. Joe Biden must be treated 10x as bad as President Trump was treated. We can't let his policies see the light of day. Get ready to fight back America.

    3 years, 17 weeks and 20 hours

    For, to anonymous
    You're absolutely right about the Democrats only caring about power. Our country, it's people, our Constitution and laws mean nothing to them. Why can't people see them for who they truly are?
    Democrats expect everyone to conform to their radical ways, if you refuse, you get shamed, doxed, harassed, shadow banned and in some cases physically harmed. The Democrats, liberals, technocrats and the media think they run America, everyone else's thoughts, beliefs and opinions are meaningless. Joe Biden was right about one thing, we are headed for dark days. What's going to happen to our country if Biden gets sworn in and then we find out there really was corruption and fraud across the board that proves Joe Biden didn't win the election, then what??? We will have another civil war, that's what will happen and Americans will die. All because the Democrats wanted power at any and all costs. Today's Democratic party has a bunch of lunatics for leaders, they support everything from infanticide to the abolishment of our law enforcement officers. Democrats have literally gone insane and the proof is there for everyone to see, too bad only 75 million Americans see them for who the truly are. God help us all.

    3 years, 17 weeks and 2 days

    Welcome back. Good to hear you had a safe and enjoyable trip. 1,130 pound moose -WOW! I grew up in cold weather so can agree that it does get your attention - especially in the mornings. It is probably just as well you missed the daily barrage of corruption and fraud we were subjected to - it seemed endless. As you stated President Trump has not had a chance beginning just before his inauguration to the present. The media, tech giants and Democrats did every thing you can imagine to prevent his re-election. Their ascension to power was, and still is, more important than policies. At no time has he received credit for any of the progress made the past almost 4 years. History will take care of this oversight, but I fear we are returning to the dismal administration exhibited during the Obama/Biden years. If the Republicans don't get a backbone, we will lose the 2 Senate seats in Georgia, thanks to a weak Governor and State Attorney General. I have vented long enough and am sorry. Haven't heard from Old Gal so am concerned. Again, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. CA

    3 years, 17 weeks and 3 days