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    Republicans should immediately impeach Joe Biden for inciting the biggest immigration situation the US has ever seen. Biden told these immigrants if they get here they can stay. All this during Covid. It's being reported that thousands of these immigrants trying to cross our border are infected with covid-19. We can't even vaccinate Americans, but Mr Biden wants thousands of immigrants to enter the United States. There's over 110 thousand, how many have crossed already? How many will cross? Why aren't Republicans raising hell about this? Why aren't they confronting Biden on his third world country military occupation in our capitol? We are doomed with these weak spineless cowards who represent the Republican party. There's only a handful of fighters in the party and they cannot do anything alone. I'm getting very concerned about our country. Why would 80 million Americans vote for a party that has a proven track record of failure? It just doesn't make sense!

    4 years, 1 week and 3 days

    How the hell is Cuomo still the Governor of NY? I'll tell you why, because he's a **** Democrat in a predominantly Democrat state. If he was a Republican, he wouldn't be governor and he would be brought up on criminal charges, especially for killing thousands of nursing home patients. If this doesn't show everyone in our country the double standards that exist between Democrats and Republicans? Nothing will...What are the Democrats turning our country into? I don't want to live in a country where Democrats run everything. Most Democrats have a very different opinion of how America should be and to be honest, there's plenty of proof Democrats policies and way of thinking doesn't work in our country. So what they're doing is trying to change our government so they can force their insane ways on the American people. Well guess what, the Democrats are going to get a huge wake up call. Who do they think they are to keep our Military personnel surrounding the Whitehouse when there's no threat present? What are they planning? Biden wants them there for two more months, why? America only has a few real media outlets left that aren't corrupted by the Democratic party, you can count them on one hand. It's a shame I have to rely on media outlets from other countries to get information. The left and their sick leaders have other countries laughing at the USA instead of looking at us as a world leader. It looks like we're headed right back to the Obama days when America was being taken advantage of and made to look WEAK...

    4 years, 1 week and 3 days

    Let's face it, we all know that Biden won't last four years. Maybe throwing Harris to the wolves would be a good thing? Whatever happens between 1/6/21 and 1/6/24 will ultimately fall on the Democratic party, they will be held accountable for everything they do. It's time people learn the Democrats don't care about the American people, power and control is all they want. We all saw how they acted when they had no power or control. The Democratic party is the enemy of the people and within the next two years, we all will find out just how insane these people really are. Democrats are against everything that makes America great. President Trump did so much good for our country and the Democrats couldn't stand it, everything Trump did he was successful at. The Democrats aren't interested in doing things for America, they would rather spend billions on other countries who don't even respect the USA. Biden hasn't done anything good for America since taking office, in fact, he's made things worse when you think about it. Oil prices are definitely unstable, inflation is another problem. Look at how much money Biden has spent so far. I don't want to say America made a big mistake by electing Biden. Because I don't believe that 80 million people voted for the idiot. The left stole the election from President Trump and they had plenty of help from corrupt politicians, the media outlets, attorneys and blue States and Cities. Just look back at everything they did to President Trump, their actions over the last four years speak for themselves. Desperation, plain and simple...

    4 years, 1 week and 5 days

    While you make sense, the alternative is Kamala Harris. Now that is also scary!!

    4 years, 1 week and 6 days

    Who is really running our country? it's definitely NOT Joe Biden. What's it going to take for these idiots in the Democratic party to see that Biden is unfit to serve our country? We supposedly got rid of President Trump for this clown? I refuse to believe it. We're smarter than that, if this imbecile remains in office? Not only will China eat our lunch, Russia and Iran will join them. Joe Biden is clearly suffering from dementia, the Republican party better start calling for him to be removed from office due to his worsening cognitive decline. What are they waiting for? More insane executive orders? How about another war?

    4 years, 1 week and 6 days

    One thing people might not be aware of or perhaps have forgotten, is Governor Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi's nephew, was a member of San Francisco's City Council, then Mayor of San Francisco on his way to the Governors office in Sacremento - with Presidential ambitions. Look at the homeless situation in San Francisco - does his leadership in any government office exhibit success? Los Angeles homeless state of affairs is so bad that I have heard the city may never be able to return to what it once was. By the way, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, another left- liberal was once considered to be part of Biden's administration. It is doubtful Biden will be able to fulfill any length of time in the Oval Office. Of course, that was the intention - Kamala Harris from San Francisco, as President is frightening. I am more qualified to be President (or for that matter VP) than she is AND, by the stretch of anyone's imagination, I am NOT qualified!! Buckle your seat belts - a rocky road is ahead.

    4 years, 1 week and 6 days

    Looks like Newsom is trying to buy his way out of being recalled? What a Scumbag, hypocrite. Where does he think he's getting the money from for all these things? He's giving the illegal aliens a reason to come to the U.S. Basically rewarding them to break our laws. Newsom belongs in prison, what a disgrace he is to our country. Come on across the border to California, papa Newsom will take care of you!!!

    4 years, 1 week and 6 days

    Correction: Governor Newsom is offering $2Billion dollar incentive to teachers Union to reopen schools - not $2Million dollar as stated. Sorry for error.

    4 years, 1 week and 6 days

    Governor Newsom must really be concerned about his forthcoming recall election. Despite his incompetent coronavirus policies, lockdowns, do-as-I-say and not what-as-I-do attitude (French Laundry dinner and latest TikTok nonsense, as well as the fact his children attend in-person teaching at a private school while keeping all other schools closed, pops into ones train of thought), latest stimulus of $600 payments to those in CALWORKS including undocumented individuals, high taxes, release of prison inmates back into communities, sanctuary city and state declarations, Medi-Cal for illegal immigrants, (don't forget CA AG Xavier Becerra, who was/is complicit in all, is Biden's nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Resources), Newsoms recent signing a bill, in advance of recall voting, requiring all registered voters in state receive a mail in ballot even if they don't ask for one, he now is bowing to the teachers unions by offering $2million dollar incentive to open kindergarten through second grades by April 1. How much money do these unions need? Point - in 2019 researchers found "30 countries scored higher than U.S. students in math, with the performance gap between top-performing and lower-performing students is widening, especially in reading." Why would Newsom offer more money to those, obviously not doing their job rather than hard working citizens not receiving their paychecks for not working? Answer: He is only interested in retaining the title of Governor.

    4 years, 1 week and 6 days

    Has anyone else been following CPAC? The CEO of the NRA gave a great speech. There was a lot of hype on protecting our voting rights, talk, talk, talk. The conservatives in our government failed us. When the Wackycrats came up with this insane idea of mail in voting, they should have aggressively gone after the Democrats. But that didn't happen, they did it when the election was over. Conservatives must rally together for 2022 and take back control of Congress. When that happens, not if it happens, Republicans must be prepared to do everything possible to ensure our country continues to follow and uphold our Constitution and Bill of rights. We must reverse anything the crazed Democrats do to our voting system. Hopefully Americans will see just how dangerous the Democrats policies really are? It's only been two months and the Democrats have walked all over the Constitution. They do not, do not, believe in or respect it. Why hasn't the Republican gone after Biden for these unconstitutional executive orders? Where's the federal Judge's on the right? Almost every EO President Trump signed was challenged and stopped by Judge's on the left. I'm sorry but Republicans like to run their mouths, but when action is required, we get CRICKETS.......Massive change is needed in the Republican party, they're to divided, how the hell does someone like Mitt Romney and even Liz Cheney get in the Republican party? The one thing I'll say about the Democratic party that's good is, they stick together when the $#it hits the fan!! It's no secret that the Democrats are scared to death of President Trump, if only they feared the Republican party, imagine the edge that would give them? If only they would understand 75 million people support putting America first.The conservative voters in America must do whatever it takes to make sure con artists like Romney never get elected. Wishful thinking, I know. Democrats are using covid-19 to help push communism in our country, slowly but surely they're moving forward to take the freedom away from the American citizens and ultimately give total control to the government. So sad to see this happen, why on earth would we want to do that to the greatest country in the world? Millions of people look up to the United States, some are willing to risk their lives to come here to escape the communist countries the lived in. Freedom to live the American dream, live life as you wish and not be controlled by a dictatorship. Think of those who paid the ultimate price for our country and our freedom. Did they die in vain? I can't believe we have people in our country contemplating something we know goes against our traditional values, principles and beliefs. We're smarter than that, we cannot give in to the left, no matter what.

    4 years, 2 weeks and 17 hours

    For anonymous,
    That's what they get, this is the first I've heard of this, are they having fits and rolling on the floor stomping their hands and feet crying like the babies they are? You can rest assured they would be doing that and much more if President Trump initiated something like that. Charging the press to ask questions, ha, ha, ha. It doesn't really matter to me because I don't have any interest in hearing what the fake news has to say. Maybe the 80 million idiots that supposedly voted for Biden do? Imagine that, we have 80 million people in America who have an IQ below 25. Anyone who thinks Jim Acosta is a journalist is illiterate imo.
    Thanks for your well written post anonymous!

    4 years, 2 weeks and 21 hours

    No one can dispute the fact the press, as well as media in general, did not and do not like President Trump. They made every effort to be disrespectful, and in many instances, obnoxious (Jim Acosta comes to mind). Professional journalism and credibility became non-existent. Never mind their access to the President was constant and not prevented. They dreamed of, fought for and ranted for a new President - one more in line with their personal, self-anointed superior agendas. They even went so far as to align themselves as the communications arm of the Democrat party. Well, they now have a new President whom they applaud. Guess what? This new President, beginning Monday, is going to "charge" them to enter the WH!! How funny is that? Guess they should have been careful as to what they wished for. Serves them right.

    4 years, 2 weeks and 1 day

    I think the time has come for the American people to start showing their true feelings for the "so called media" millions of Americans no longer trust what comes from these newsrooms. So why do we need them? These liberal ran outlets are no longer doing the work of the American people, meaning " all Americans " as it stands now, the media outlets with the exception of a few are openly supporters of the Democratic party. They no longer are neutral when reporting the news in our country. I think we need to start protesting outside the headquarters of CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC. Why hasn't this happened yet? Clearly they aren't affected by millions of Americans no longer watching their networks. So it's time to go to the next level. If the younger generation had any common sense, they would be targeting these media outlets and showing them they aren't happy with the way their operating now. Sure in the past the MSM ever so softly acknowledged their dislike for conservative Republicans in America, but they still did their jobs and remained neutral and non biased. That all stopped when Donald J. Trump decided to run for President and when he actually became our President, everything changed. They have no intention of going back to being respectable either. We better start realizing that today's media outlets are just an extension of the radical left-wing activists!! If they can't steer clear of political affiliation, then they shouldn't be allowed to broadcast in America. Their views do not represent American values any longer. It's time to call for these outlets to be shut down!!

    4 years, 2 weeks and 2 days

    I finally found this website again, I'm 70 years old and have always been a proud American. For the first time in my life, I'm deeply concerned about our country's future. Most Americans know we didn't vote for Joe and and his absurd policies, there's no way anyone with a brain would want this particular Democratic party in power. They knew that President Trump would easily win the election so they had to devise a plan that would ensure a win for the Democrats. Biden as much as admitted that he put together a voter fraud organization. So why didn't anyone do anything? Joe Biden is unfit to run our country, this much is obvious, are Republicans doing anything to bring this out in the open? No they're not, they just sit there like the stooges they are. We as a country are entering some very dark times, I can see it coming and its frightening. I cannot believe the Democrats have been able to do what they've done to our country. 25 years ago they wouldn't have been able to pull this off because there was to much opposition. We are losing our country and our freedom and its very sad.

    4 years, 2 weeks and 3 days

    When are the Republicans in government going to stand up and say enough is enough? The things the Democratic party have gotten away with is ludicrous. The Democrats will continue on their rampage because they have nobody with enough balls to stand up to them. Governor Cuomo gets an Emmy for killing thousands of elderly people. Governor Desantis in Florida is being harassed by Democrats simply because he's a Republican and has kept his state open. Meanwhile, thousands are fleeing blue States and moving to predominantly red States. I fear these Democrats are going to bring their sick liberal ways with them and ultimately turn these red States blue. If that happens? These red States will become just like the States the ran away from. You surely don't see those on the right moving to blue States.This is how the left is gaining total control of our country. I'm absolutely disgusted with what these sick, repulsive, Democrats are doing to America. We cannot count on the Republicans in our government to fight for our country, they've proven they are nothing but cowards. So what do we just throw up our hands and go along with the Democrats? HE'LL NO! We, the American people have to get involved at this point in time. Look at what Biden is doing with all these executive orders, this is how communist countries do things, they bypass legislation to get what they want. If people can't see what these Democrats are doing, they're either blind, dumb, or they support the insanity. The United States of America is under attack by the left, it's time to declare war against the establishment!!!

    4 years, 2 weeks and 3 days

    I'm hearing that there's Democrats in our government who are concerned about Mr Biden being in possession of the Nuclear Football. What do they know that the American people don't? Most people who have a decent head on their shoulders know this, in fact it's been known that Biden's cognitive ability has worsened. Frankly speaking, we're only two months in with the Biden administration and from what I'm seeing and hearing, Mr Biden won't make it through his first year. He's already had numerous occasions of loss of memory, having to resort to "cards as he calls them" so who is really running our country? Rest assured, it's not Mr Biden. Another thing to mention is these so called daily briefings, the right only has "1" reporter who is asking tough questions, Peter Doocy, that's frightening!! Everyone else in that room is an embarrassment to journalism. It's also being reported that just about everyone in the Whitehouse is concerned about Mr Biden and his ability to properly handle our country's affairs. Get ready for President Kamala Harris America, most of us knew this was their plan all along. The American people must do everything possible to prevent Harris from becoming President. If we were ever to RESIST a President, it would be Kamala Harris!! I really do believe the Democratic party has a deep dark plan waiting to be implemented, this " Reset" everyone is talking about will forever change America. Today's Democratic party is full of sick, dangerous, people, who are insane to say the least. The American people better pay close attention to what these wackos in D.C. are up to. BEWARE!!! Our country is in grave danger!!

    4 years, 2 weeks and 4 days

    Here's something to think about,
    Why is our Whitehouse surrounded by fencing with RAZOR WIRE along with military soldiers carrying AR-15s when there's no immediate threat??? Could it be the because the people currently in our Whitehouse don't belong there??? What exactly is mr Biden afraid of??? Take a good look everyone, this is exactly what Dictators do in communist countries. I though Democrats didn't believe in WALLS??? They're Immoral ... Oh, it's ok if it's used for their protection, to hell with the American people, they don't need any wall at the borders... 99.9% of the Democrats in power live behind walls with armed security, where if any illegal immigrants, or people of color were found wondering around, they would either be arrested or escorted off the property. The American people need to start getting organized and prepared to protest indefinitely. Non violent protests, anyone from ANTIFA or BLM found infiltrating these protests must be dealt with swiftly. We don't need a repeat of Jan 6th. It's time to let these nuts at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave know we won't tolerate their insane policies, restrictions and crazy laws. We must also remind them they don't officially belong in power. They stole the election and we know it. We can't sit at home and let these lunatics destroy our country. We must get organized now before it's too late. There's organizations our there capable of making it happen, they need to get busy and fight these crazy Democrats. Look what they did last summer and got away with it. Well it's our turn now!!!

    4 years, 2 weeks and 5 days

    Personally, I don't think New Yorkers care about their city/state anymore. If they did, neither of the idiots would be in office right now. Cuomo & Deblasio are still being paid and are still using their power to further destroy NY. I wouldn't live in NY if they gave me a home and sadly, I feel the same about California. The left and their insane policies and views have ruined those states and turned them into s-holes. Sure there might be a few small counties in both states that still are somewhat normal, but the radical Democrats still run the state. It's sad and it shouldn't be that way in the United States of America, the land of the free and home of the brave. Our country is gradually being transformed by the liberals and if nothing is done soon, we will lose our country to the communists. We had a President who was willing to take on the establishment and right for the American people. Look what they did to him, without the American people in the fight, these powerful, well connected, people will forever change our great country. The proof is in the pudding, just look at the ridiculous things they want to impose on us.

    4 years, 2 weeks and 6 days

    De Blasio terminating ice hockey availability in Manhattan at a rink Trump saved for the city of Manhattan, thus eliminating children's programs. De Blasio terminating other contracts related to Trump even though breach of contract will undoubtedly cost NY taxpayers millions of dollars. What do you want to bet De Blasio will keep accepting city taxes provided by Trump Hotel(s), any taxes received by Trump creating Riverside South, once a rail yard and now home to many, 40 Wall Street restoration and marketing which drew and stabilized the area? De Blasio brings interruptive dance to the streets, while, at the same time, keeps businesses and schools closed. Cuomo alleged cover up of nursing home deaths - this situation is heartbreaking for those who lost loved ones. What is wrong with this picture? Could it be the voters who elected De Blasio, Cuomo and within the past few years, AOC? Do you think they have learned anything? For the sake of a once vibrant city/state, let's hope so.

    4 years, 3 weeks and 15 hours

    I just read that Candace Owens will consider a Presidential run in 2024, she will turn 34 in April therefore she'd be eligible. I seriously doubt that Trump will run again, he's a smart businessman and the losses he would take financially could be significant. President Trump lost half of his net worth in 4 years, that's how much he loves our country and it's people. Candace would make a great President, she said that anyone caught burning our flag, would face renunciation of citizenship, they would have 1 year to liquidate assets if they have any? Then, get the hell out of our country. She also said she would fight for the legal immigrants, those here and those wanting citizenship. The rule of law would be upheld and the Constitution followed. She would have my vote....What do you think?

    4 years, 3 weeks and 18 hours

    For anonymous,
    It's nice to see there's someone out there that understands we shouldn't judge a President solely on their character or personality. Democrats are so hell bent on the President of the United States acting Presidential. Since when did we start electing a President based on how they act? Maybe the Democratic party should take a long hard look at how they as a party act? I judge a President on what they say they will do for the country and the American people, their policies on foreign affairs, their plans for our future and most importantly, their accomplishments while in office, especially the first 100 days. President Trump accomplished more in 100 days than any prior sitting President. His first two years were absolutely incredible. When the Democrats realized he was a serious threat they started stepping up their harassment and attacks. Then they got their cronies in the liberal media outlets on board, Hollywood elites, big tech companies and social media giants. The things they did to the President of our country was despicable, shameful and unheard of. Democrats didn't even care about what other countries thought of their actions. They used their connections to turn some countries against President Trump. I'm sure deals and promises were made also. President Trump moved America forward by leaps and bounds, who knows what he could have done with four more years and now the Democrats are destroying everything that put our country back on top. We're going backwards, why can't people see this? Maybe people will finally wake up when they start seeing the affects of what Biden is doing to America? Like you said giving billions in vaccine aid around the world before our own country is taken care of. We've done enough for others, what have they done for us? Giving away billions and millions is easy when it's not coming from your personal bank account, isn't it?This is the perfect opportunity for America to pay attention to the priorities and differences between the two parties? The American people are watching very close and don't think the Democratic party will be able to get away with the things they've done in the past. The Biden administration is in the spotlight and for what it's worth, so far they aren't living up to their expectations or promises. I cannot believe that they're even thinking of revising the Iran nuclear deal, giving Iran a path for nuclear weapons will certainly come back to haunt the United States. Just goes to show everyone how insane these Democrats really are. Scary isn't it??

    4 years, 3 weeks and 2 days

    Correction to Anonymous:
    It is my understanding Sorry for error

    4 years, 3 weeks and 2 days

    It is myself understanding Biden has rejoined the Paris Climate Record. Along with his reckless immigration policy, desire to return to the disastrous Iran Nuclear deal, elimination of over 10,000 jobs by stopping the pipeline, naming Obama retreads to top administration positions (let's not even get into the dreadful choice of California government officials to federal positions) our country is obviously returning to the dismal Obama/Biden years. Now I read Biden has announced billions of dollars for global vaccine aid - why not focus on our own citizens getting "vaccine aid"? While I did not and do not care for Trumps personality, at least his policies benefited Americans.

    4 years, 3 weeks and 2 days

    I wonder if the Democrats have realized yet that Joe Biden is mentally retarded? Imagine how those idiots who broke our laws to get this imbecile elected are going to feel when they get caught? Today the Whitehouse concluded all the days business at 8am. President Trump worked 16 hour days, our country is screwed. Don't even think about seeing $2 a gallon gas again, lol, prices are going up and up. Get ready America, things are going up when most people don't have any money, good job Mr Biden. Thousands of Americans will be forced into poverty because of the Democrats idiotic policies.
    Don't worry though, they don't care!! Hold on everyone, it's just the beginning, while Mr Biden is taking a nap in the Whitehouse, the people of Texas are suffering. Good work Mr Biden...

    4 years, 3 weeks and 3 days

    America lost a icon today, although we knew this day would come, it doesn't make it any easier to accept. Talk Radio will never be the same without Rush and he will be missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Limbaugh family. Rest in peace Mr Limbaugh. Kman.

    4 years, 3 weeks and 4 days