• Mercedes-Benz USA, Inc.

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    1 Mercedes Dr.
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    Hello! COHQ does not have a jobs post feature as of yet. Is that of interest to you?
    COHQ Admin

    3 years, 14 weeks and 4 hours

    I want to know, why MB has abondend the back design of the most memorable option they had with the new 2021 S-Class . They had a chance to make this the most unforgettable timepieces in history ,but still failed . I want someone to contact me so I can give them an idea ,no charge . This was the chance to change the opinion on " THE BEST OR NOTHING " the fundamentals still work and keep it basic .I just want a chance to work with the team and I bet it will work .and by the way I'm a Beamer fan and you almost had me when I seen the front ,but lost me ,like everyone else with the back ..what let down. No hate .but contact @ 2025tx@gmail.
    Thanks Team

    3 years, 14 weeks and 6 days