Outback Steakhouse
Street Address2202 N West Shore BlvdPhoneRelated TermsOSI Restaurant PartnersRelated TermsLLCTwitter IDAnonymous
Hopefully, this is the last awful thing to happen in 2020. It's my boyfriend's birthday and we were planning to celebrate but Outback torched any possibility of that. Unfortunately, we can't pick up the order we placed through Door Dash because the restaurant marked our order as complete but Outback employees don't have an order for us. We finally gave up waiting after 2 hours, especially when the hostess told my boyfriend misleading information about when we would be notified our food was ready for pickup. This location is obviously lacking in managerial influence as the employees treated us like we were the problem. Now it's so late we're stuck with the last alternative, pizza. Thanks a lot Outback. You've lost a customer, ruined a birthday and cost us over $35 in cash turned to Door Dash credit.
4 years, 10 weeks and 6 daysAnonymous
To anonymous, The one who was ignored by the waiter. I read your post about your experience, I understand 10 minutes is a fairly long time to wait, but you said you were seated by the greeter? Personally, after 5 minutes I would have spoke up and asked the greeter for service at my table. I've been in the food business 40 years, yes, things like this happen sometimes especially when it's not busy. It seems the staff was preoccupied with a conversation with other employees, if the hostess was observant, she would have noticed what was going on. Imo, not to take sides here, you should have just asked for someone to help you. Explaining your problem to a hostess was not necessary. With that said, In the future try to refrain from using profanity if at all possible. The hostess you spoke to might have been a deeply religious person and was offended by the word sh$#.. I hope you won't stop going to Outback because of this incident? Sincerely,
4 years, 20 weeks and 1 day
Devils advocate.Anonymous
I have been eating at Outback for over 30 years! Yesterday I picked up a dinner with a salad. Outback use to make their own croutons, but in this salad it was the kind you buy in a bag. Awful! Always loved the ones that Outback made!
4 years, 20 weeks and 1 dayAnonymous
Good evening my name is Deborah Black ,and I want to Thank Hannah the General Manager In Newark ,Delaware for making my Anniversay extra special! (Even during a Pandemic !) Her customer Service is EXCEPTIONAL! Thank you Hannah for making my night special ,and giving 100% customer Service !!!!! It was a pleasure speaking with You ! Be safe ,and be well .
4 years, 20 weeks and 4 days
Thanks again,
Deborah BlackAnonymous
Let me start by saying I love Outback and it is my go-to restaurant. The food is always great and flavorful. Unfoetunately the lack of service I did not received left a bitter taste in my mouth today, Saturday October 24, 2020 at approximately 6:20pm located at 1950 NW Courtyard Cir, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986. I was seated by one of the greeters and two separate waiters served two different tables in my area and neither of them acknowledged me or greeted me, not even a I'll be with you in a moment. The restaurant was not busy at all. I sat quietly at my table alone for 10 mins and eventually one of the waiters asked me if anyone had helped me. I said no, and asked her was she my waiter and she said no and she asked if she can get me something to drink. I said no and I wanted to see a manager. I was upset at this point as I felt overlooked. I spoke with the greeter and explained what happened. I asked her what was their procedure with notifying the waiter which table she has and the young lady said they know. I told her I had been sitting there for 10 mins. and "my waiter didn't say **** to me". I asked for a manager and I see her walk to the back of the restaurant where the waiter and some other waiters and later to find out the manager was also standing back there congregating. He comes up to me and ask me how can he help me so I explained to him what happened. He then says she said she didn't see you. Then he says ma'am I'm going to ask you not to cuss. I was looking confused as I did not cuss at him at all, so I asked him when did I cuss. He then said someone (the greeter) said you cussed so I explained to him, yes I told her the waiter didn't say **** to me. He says, I'm going to ask you not to cuss this is a family restaurant. I told him you act like I'm yelling and cussing which I wasn't. I told him you haven't even address the problem you're more concerned about a cuss word. Then he asked do I want to be seated. At this point why would anyone want to sit down and eat there after that. And how can a waiter not see some sitting in her area where she is serving a table I can see. This is the worst experience I ever had at this place. They have lost a customer at this location.
4 years, 20 weeks and 5 days