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    Glenn I heard they put people in concentration camps if they feel you may do something one day even if you have not done anything yet .many Muslims people are held in these camp along with Chinese people ,as China puts family members in there and uses them like a tool to make a family member do as they want a real 3rd world dictator country, the United States is a free country we like to keep it that way. You can go too North Korea there I think you fit in as they are very stricted .

    3 years, 40 weeks and 10 hours

    Who was caused pain by a **** Tweet??? Some snowflakes living with mommy and daddy? What families were hurt? Why do much hate from you grasshopper? Your language shows your intelligence level.
    Grow up cupcake!

    3 years, 50 weeks and 6 days

    President Trump is the greatest President this country has seen in decades. We love you Trump, keep giving it right back to these **** screwed up Dummycrats.

    3 years, 50 weeks and 6 days

    Hey Janice,
    Go cry a river babe!

    3 years, 50 weeks and 6 days

    Twitter will pay a heavy price for trying to satisfy their wacko cult following members. Article 230 will be stripped from them and I can't wait to see it happen. Censoring, blocking and suppression of tweets is called publishing. You have been warned numerous times and disregarded every attempt our government gave you to change your ways. Now you will go in front of our Senate and be humiliated.
    All the billions you've made will be needed to settle all the lawsuits that are coming your way. It's about time too!!! I say they should just shut you down, this will give our entrepreneurs a fair shot at becoming the next new social media outlets. Everyone should deactivate their accounts, I did.

    3 years, 50 weeks and 6 days

    For the confused Bella,
    Explain to me how the President is setting up a " Dictatorship " ????? You say he's bullying people? What would you call what you Democrats have been doing to the him for 4 years? Donald Trump is the only chance our country has right now to keep our American traditions, values and beliefs alive. Stop watching CNN, the liberal media outlets are nothing but a bunch of liars and propaganda machines for the Democratic party. The young people in our country are being fed slop by the Democrats and they eat from the trough without knowing what they're being fed. Wake up Bella!

    3 years, 50 weeks and 6 days

    LMFAO, if you idiots only knew how stupid you sound begging Twitter to remove the President.
    " Please take Trump off Twitter, he's hurting people " LMAO. You Trump Haters make me sick.
    I'm curious, exactly how is he hurting people? Nancy Pelosi, your ringleader is the one responsible for hurting people, by not passing a stimulus package for the millions of Americans who need help. She's putting her party's interests over the American people. That's how the left rolls, how sick is that? Democrats think that if you don't go along with their sick, evil, ways, the can simply silence you, or even worse, " cancel you ". Sorry, that's not how it works in America. You People need to take a long hard look at how you've treated the President of the United States, look at how you obstructed our country for 4 years, how did that help anyone? It didn't, all's it did was make some of you sick, hate filled people happy. It's because of that, this great President will be re-elected. Twitter won't remove the President, no matter how much you cry and stomp your feet like the babies most of you are!
    Trump/Pence 2020

    3 years, 50 weeks and 6 days

    For the misinformed guy ED,
    You need to go back and research what the President said about there being good people on both sides. You sir are a fine example of how stupid some people are. You've been brainwashed by the liberal media outlets and the lying Democrats. You should be ashamed of ED for posting your garbage on this site. Have another beer ed, it won't change the fact that this President will be around 4 more years. By the way you sound you would rather live in a Communist nation, instead of a free country?
    If the Democrats win this election? That's exactly what you'll get. If you think differently, then you're a fool.

    3 years, 50 weeks and 6 days

    Hey Glenn.
    Are you serious bro? Do you want to live in a country where you're censored, blocked, or removed, just because you have different political opinions and views? If your answer is yes? I have a suggestion for you. Move to China you freaking communist. No, you would rather the United States of America conform to your beliefs right? Sorry fella, that ain't gonna happen in the USA. Living in a country where only one party rules isn't and wouldn't be a great place to live. I suggest you do some research on China and how happy The people are that live there. If you go against the Communist regime? You either wind up in prison or dead. Is that what you want dude?
    The Patriot.

    3 years, 50 weeks and 6 days

    Your involvement in trying to make wearing a mask a " Cultural " statement is insane. People are wearing a mask to protect themselves from a virus. Not to start some cultural movement, or to set a fashion trend. Millions of people don't like wearing a mask, some can't due to breathing problems, or they are claustrophobic, whatever the reason, people are being verbally abusive towards anyone not wearing a mask and it's people like Twitter who are responsible for this imo. You and everyone else on the liberal left are nothing but a bunch of Communists. If you like living that way? Move to a shithole country that embraces communism. Don't try to force it on the greatest country on earth. Twitter has drastically changed since its inception and you really should stop and look in the mirror at what you've become.

    3 years, 51 weeks and 9 hours

    "America will never be a socialist country"
    Donald J. Trump

    3 years, 51 weeks and 9 hours

    Hey Twitter, everyone in my family has ( Deactivated ) their accounts and moved to Parler. The United States isn't a Communist country, your suppression of the 4th largest Newspaper is absolutely appalling. Your dedication to the Democratic party is disgusting. You will lose article 230 protection and rightfully so. Censorship and suppression especially that of the free press makes you the enemy of America in my opinion. You can cry all you want about your POLICY, it's been proven over the years that you're selectively placing posts that are from conservatives in a separate category. There's so many instances of this it's pitiful, clearly you have no concerns about losing 230, that's fine. The billions you've made off of the American people will go to your attorneys and those who will undoubtedly win their lawsuits against you. Good luck with your cuter endeavors, you're going to need it.....

    3 years, 51 weeks and 13 hours

    Twitter is an absolute disgrace to our country and everything we stand for. The suppression of free speech will be your downfall Twitter. You've been warned numerous times and you still haven't learned anything. USA vs Google has happened, you and Facebook are next. In case you didn't know this isn't China. Say goodbye to section 230 and start hiring lawyers, you're going to need them.

    3 years, 51 weeks and 4 days