Has anyone else been following CPAC? The CEO of the NRA gave a great speech. There was a lot of hype on protecting our voting rights, talk, talk, talk. The conservatives in our government failed us. When the Wackycrats came up with this insane idea of mail in voting, they should have aggressively gone after the Democrats. But that didn't happen, they did it when the election was over. Conservatives must rally together for 2022 and take back control of Congress. When that happens, not if it happens, Republicans must be prepared to do everything possible to ensure our country continues to follow and uphold our Constitution and Bill of rights. We must reverse anything the crazed Democrats do to our voting system. Hopefully Americans will see just how dangerous the Democrats policies really are? It's only been two months and the Democrats have walked all over the Constitution. They do not, do not, believe in or respect it. Why hasn't the Republican gone after Biden for these unconstitutional executive orders? Where's the federal Judge's on the right? Almost every EO President Trump signed was challenged and stopped by Judge's on the left. I'm sorry but Republicans like to run their mouths, but when action is required, we get CRICKETS.......Massive change is needed in the Republican party, they're to divided, how the hell does someone like Mitt Romney and even Liz Cheney get in the Republican party? The one thing I'll say about the Democratic party that's good is, they stick together when the $#it hits the fan!! It's no secret that the Democrats are scared to death of President Trump, if only they feared the Republican party, imagine the edge that would give them? If only they would understand 75 million people support putting America first.The conservative voters in America must do whatever it takes to make sure con artists like Romney never get elected. Wishful thinking, I know. Democrats are using covid-19 to help push communism in our country, slowly but surely they're moving forward to take the freedom away from the American citizens and ultimately give total control to the government. So sad to see this happen, why on earth would we want to do that to the greatest country in the world? Millions of people look up to the United States, some are willing to risk their lives to come here to escape the communist countries the lived in. Freedom to live the American dream, live life as you wish and not be controlled by a dictatorship. Think of those who paid the ultimate price for our country and our freedom. Did they die in vain? I can't believe we have people in our country contemplating something we know goes against our traditional values, principles and beliefs. We're smarter than that, we cannot give in to the left, no matter what.
1 year, 35 weeks and 20 hours