Republicans should immediately impeach Joe Biden for inciting the biggest immigration situation the US has ever seen. Biden told these immigrants if they get here they can stay. All this during Covid. It's being reported that thousands of these immigrants trying to cross our border are infected with covid-19. We can't even vaccinate Americans, but Mr Biden wants thousands of immigrants to enter the United States. There's over 110 thousand, how many have crossed already? How many will cross? Why aren't Republicans raising hell about this? Why aren't they confronting Biden on his third world country military occupation in our capitol? We are doomed with these weak spineless cowards who represent the Republican party. There's only a handful of fighters in the party and they cannot do anything alone. I'm getting very concerned about our country. Why would 80 million Americans vote for a party that has a proven track record of failure? It just doesn't make sense!
4 years, 1 week and 3 days