After seeing the answers to questions asked of the Georgia Senate, it's clear that the Democrats have substantial influence in their government. The Governor in Georgia is clearly afraid of his own government. There's actual video evidence of fraud and he still refused to act. Six states are involved in election fraud and if the American people stand by and do nothing, we will lose our freedom to socialism. I refuse to believe that the majority of Americans would rather have a DIMWITTED PRESIDENT, than one who works his butt off for our country and it's people. The introduction of voting by mail in the United States was the only way the Democrats could win the election. Looks like they pulled it off too? The Republican party let them do it, they're cowards, plain and simple, only thinking of themselves, that's typical for Republicans. I hate to say it but whatever happens from here on out, the American people deserve. Putting our country's future in the hands of Georgia concerns me, the state is ran by corrupt politicians who cannot be trusted. If these Democrats win in Georgia tonight? Say goodbye to your freedom, socialism will be introduced and that will be the end of the United States of America. Nobody in their right mind would want socialism in the USA, especially when we have living proof it doesn't work. That's how naive some Americans are, they actually believe they can make it work in our country. As it is now, Americans are leaving those blue states that have gone absolutely insane, wanna know what happens next? Americans start leaving our country. That's a sad thought isn't it? I never thought this would happen here in America. Think of all the sacrifices our ancestors made, the lives that were lost so we could have our freedom. It's a crying shame! God bless America.
34 weeks, 23 hours and 7 minutes