Joe Biden is a clown, his words are written by his stooges, he's a halfwitt that can't come up with a complete sentence on his own. That right Mr Biden, enough is enough. The American people have had enough of the Democrats bull$%&#. They stole this election and think they will get away with it. What happened today at capitol hill is just a taste of what's to come if nothing is done about the election fraud that took place on November 3rd 2020. It's okay for the hoodlums in BLM to destroy cities and the Democrats said nothing. Biden is going to have a very hard 4 years ahead of him. The American people have had it. Joe Biden is not the legitimate President of the United States of America and he will be reminded of that everyday for his entire term. Let these insane Democrats try taking our guns, or forcing socialism on our great country. They will come to regret it.
37 weeks, 4 hours and 1 minute